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Static Build

Deploying static files in places such as s3 allows designers and developers to share the asset that exists in the project. It's like an in-house icon viewer.

Create a static file in the assetbox.config.cjs file based on the category. Build output folder is assetbox-dist

In this case, the administrative portion is lost and replaced with read-only. Can be used as an icon viewer

Demo Repository


* @type {import('@assetbox/cli').AssetBoxScheme}
const config = {
staticBuild: {
Build Output Folder

Default value is "assetbox-dist"
outDir: "assetbox-dist",
base path for both static resources and routing in a web application.

Default value is "/"
base: "/",
mode: "library" will change the asset name to camelCase.
clicking on the asset will copy the asset name to the clipboard.
Recommended for use with `icon-build`.

Default value is "app"
mode: "library" // or "app"

module.exports = config;


$ pnpm assetbox static-build